


A wonderful selection of neutral standards you find here!

Behind the heading "Standards" are neutral trophies, which you can easily customize with emblems, size 50 mm or 25 mm diameter or with decoration reliefs for example.
The standards are available in up to three sizes and it´s base give place for a personal engraving.

Here you find a choice of more than 25 neutral standards. The standards made of metal can be ordered in gold, silver and bronze/ copper. 

As full service provider we would be pleased to offer you the peronal engraving or assist you while configure your product. 

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Trophy for 5 cm centre in 3 different versions
Metal trophy Laurels
Trophy in different colours available with hight ...
Metal trophy One
Trophy with hight 10cm in 2 colours available. ...
Metal trophy Two
Trophy with hight 10cm in 2 colours available. ...
Metal trophy Three
Trophy with hight 10cm in 2 colours available. ...
Metal trophy Plano
Trophy with hight 11,5 cm in different colours ...
Trophy Sun
Trophy with hight 12 cm in different colours ...
Trophy Moon
Trophy with hight 12 cm in different colours ...
Metal trophy for plastic relief
Trophy für RF from 17,5 to 19,5 cm hight
Metal trophy for centre
Trophy for 5 cm centre in 3 different versions
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